As we get older, the effects of aging start becoming apparent in many ways. Aging can lead to the development of wrinkles on the face.

Wrinkles are a clear indicator of one’s age and can make a person feel self-conscious. Even younger people can develop age lines due to various reasons. Cosmetic treatments like Dysport can be used to get rid of these unwanted wrinkles.

What Is Dysport?

Dysport is an injection used to treat wrinkles and is composed of botulinum toxin type A. Botulinum can be used in small quantities quite safely. This neurotoxin blocks the contractions of facial muscles.

How Dysport Works

Dysport helps to treat and prevent wrinkles. It is a minimally invasive injection procedure that works on the muscles beneath the wrinkles, making them more relaxed. Relaxed muscles make the skin smooth, ironing out wrinkles.

Dysport can be used to treat a number of facial lines. It can treat crow’s feet, horizontal forehead wrinkles, and vertical frown lines that appear between the eyebrows when one frowns.

Who Should Get Dysport?

Anyone troubled by wrinkles can opt for this procedure. However, it is not recommended for those who have moderate to harsh lines, only mild wrinkles.

Candidates must be above the age of 18 and below age 65. Pregnant women cannot get this treatment. In addition, anyone with a milk allergy or sensitivity to botulinum is advised not to get this treatment.

Patients taking blood thinners are advised to stop the consumption of such medicines prior to the treatment. Also, those with skin disorders or thin skin will need to consult with Dr. Neigel to decide if they are suitable candidates.

The Dysport Treatment Process

There is no hospitalization required with this outpatient procedure. No anesthesia is needed, but an anesthetic gel can be applied on the skin to numb the region to any discomfort or pain.

After the gel takes effect, Dysport is injected into the wrinkles. On completion, the patient can leave and immediately resume their normal routine without any downtime required. The entire procedure will not take much time and may be concluded in less than half an hour.

After Treatment

There is no healing needed after the procedure. The effects of Dysport start to become evident within a few days and usually last for around three to four months. After this period, the injection needs to be administered again so that the patient can continue being free of wrinkles.

Get In Touch

You don’t need to undergo invasive surgery to get a youthful look – all you need is Dysport from Dr. Janet Neigel, who is board-certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology, to get the look you desire. Contact our office to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Neigel today.

During your consultation, Dr. Neigel will examine your facial wrinkles and discuss your complete medical history. You will be able to ask questions and review before-and-after photos of past patients. If you are suitable for the procedure, a treatment date will be scheduled.